Hello, I’m

Edwin Allen

Front-end Developer

Experienced front-end developer proficient in React and TypeScript, dedicated to crafting visually stunning and user-friendly web experiences. Let's collaborate on bringing your ideas to life with precision and creativity!

Let's Talk

My Intro

About Me

Hello! I'm Edwin Allen, a dedicated coder with two years of experience in software development. My journey began with a full-stack Java cohort, and I've since expanded my skills to include React and TypeScript. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Java, MySQL, Spring Boot, React, and TypeScript, I'm currently sharpening my Java skills through a self-paced Udemy course.

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Favorite Skills

My Skills

Feel free to explore my skills to see how I can contribute modestly yet effectively to the improvement of your projects.

Download Resume
  1. HTML & CSS
  2. JavaScript
  3. Bootstrap
  4. React
  1. Git & GitHub
  2. Typescript
  3. Java
  4. MySQL

My Services

What I Do

Web Developer

Development of custom web pages. Using current technologies and libraries of the labor field.

React / Tyepscript

I specialize in crafting responsive and visually appealing web interfaces and mobile applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.

Graphic Design

I make designs at the client's request, banner design, posters, digital designs among others.

My Jobs

Recent Projects

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